Transformation Directorate

Minutes Tuesday 28 July 2020

midday to 2pm

Google Meets


Name Representing Role
Simon Madden, Chair (SM) NHSX Director of Policy and Strategy
Dame Fiona Caldicott (DFC) National Data Guardian National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care
Jackie Gray, Deputy Chair (JG) NHS Digital Executive Director of IG
Dr Tony Calland (TC) Confidentiality Advisory Group Chair of Confidentiality Advisory Group
Vicky Chico (VC) on behalf of Juliet Tizzard (JT) Health Research Authority Data Policy Advisor
Ian Hulme (IH) Information Commissioner’s Office Director of Regulatory Assurance
Dr Robert Kyffin (RK) Public Health England Data & Information Policy and Partnerships Lead
Professor Jo Martin (JM) Academy of Medical Royal Colleges President of the Royal College of Pathologists
Dawn Monaghan (DM) NHSX Head of IG Policy
Simon Richardson (SR) Care Quality Commission Information Rights Manager
Charlotte Abbott (CA) NHSX Policy and Engagement Intern
David Evans (DE) NHSX IG Policy Lead
Dr Alan Hassey (AH) National Data Guardian National Data Guardian Panel Member
Rachel Merrett (RM) NHSX Head of Stakeholder Engagement
Noshaba Khan (NK) NHSX Business Support Manager


Name Representing Role
Andrew Hughes (AH) Local Government Association Director of Health and Wellbeing System Improvement
Juliet Tizzard (JT) Health Research Authority Director of Policy



Welcome and Introductions

SM welcomed members to the meeting.

Apologies noted from AH and JT.


Minutes and Actions from the previous meeting

Minutes - paper 01a

The Panel members and Chair agreed and signed off minutes. 

Actions - paper 01b

NK presented the Action Log, which was agreed by Panel members including the following:

  • Re-start work on the pseudonymised data paper and the Working Group should re-meet

  • DM, JG and IH arrange meeting to discuss progressing Article 40 codes and report back to the next meeting 

  • IH to provide an update on the ICO code/guidance on anonymisation as an agenda item at the next meeting.


Records Management Code of Practice (RMCoP) - paper 02a, 02b & 02c

RM presented the item and asked the Panel to endorse the RMCoP 2020 (02a) along with the draft consultation document (02b). The issue around the retention of de-registered GP records and the proposed review was noted.  

The Panel agreed for the RMCoP to go ahead for consultation in September, subject to some minor changes. This included considering whether the retention of social care records should be reviewed. The Panel agreed in principle that the final Code could be endorsed by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, subject to their agreement.


NDG survey and report on information sharing - paper 03a & 03b

AH presented the paper on the NDG report on a survey conducted on information sharing to support direct care. The Panel were asked to provide a steer in relation to the report and next steps. 

The Panel endorsed the report and future engagement with the NDG to assist in promoting the blog and other work. It was agreed that the findings closely aligned with the work on the data strategy.


IG Red Tape Challenge (RTC) - principles and processes - paper 04

SM presented the paper providing an update on the RTC launch and stakeholder workshop planned for September. 

The Panel was requested to consider and approve the topic area list and the invite list for the workshop.

The panel agreed to proceed with the launch in September subject to the suggestions of case studies being added and a clearer explanation of the RTC being taken into account.


Routine items

Guidance log - paper 05a

RM presented the guidance log which was noted.

Risk register - paper 05b

RM presented the risk register - this was noted, and no issues raised.



CA gave an update on the IG portal which is due to launch at the end of September. It was agreed that further updates would be provided to the panel prior to launch. 

DM raised the issue of sensitive codes i.e. what should be classed as sensitive and excluded from sharing. It was agreed for this to be brought back to the Panel at a later date once NHSx had liaised with the Data Policy team. 

Date of next meeting, September 15th, 2020.